6 Best Edgeless Pickleball Paddles in 2023 | Edgeless Paddles

Many pickleball enthusiasts prefer playing the game with edgeless pickleball paddles. Get to know the top 6 edgeless paddle options in 2020.

Many pickleball enthusiasts prefer playing the game with edgeless pickleball paddles. There are many different options to consider on the market. If you want to find the very best paddles, then it is important to look at some edgeless pickleball paddle reviews to get an idea of what the best ones truly are. In this list, you will be able to see the top six edgeless paddles for 2023.

When looking for the best pickleball paddles 2023, it is imperative to consider many things. You have to look at the power that they offer as well as the control. The durability of the paddle also makes a difference. You will be able to get all of the necessary information about these edgeless paddles by reading these reviews.

Best Edgeless Pickleball Paddles in 2023

The best edgeless paddles are very aerodynamic, and you will have an easy time swinging them. Whether you are a competitive player or you are someone who just plays for fun, you will find a lot to love here. Take the time to pour through the particulars about each paddle. This will allow you to determine which of them is your favorite.

If you love pickleball, then it just makes sense to think about getting a good edgeless paddle. You won’t have to worry about messing up one of your shots due to the edge guard making contact with the ball. These edgeless designs allow you to feel like you are in complete control of your shots at all times. It is a perfect option for control-style players who like to use finesse to win pickleball matches.

All of the edgeless paddles on this list are really good in their own right. Some of them are going to be better for certain things, though. It is going to be worth your time to explore all of these options. You can find the perfect new paddle that will give you the most enjoyment, so read on and explore what is available.

Amazin’ Aces ‘Bainbridge’ Pickleball Paddle

9/10Our Score

The Bainbridge features an edgeless paddle design and was the first paddle in the Pro Series. This is the only Amazin’ Aces composites paddle. However, the face is not 100% composite. It features a blend of graphite and fiberglass to create a unique playing surface.

Here are the pickleball paddle specs:

  • Weighs 7.9 ounces
  • 7-5/8-inches wide
  • 16-inches long
  • 4.5-inch grip size
  • 5-inch grip length
  • Composite/graphite face
  • Aluminum honeycomb core

Amazin’ Aces has produced a very high-quality pickleball paddle with their Bainbridge model. This is among the finest rimless pickleball paddles on the market. If you make use of this paddle, then it will be very easy to control the ball. This is an ideal option for control players who want to be able to use finesse to win their games.

The Bainbridge model that is being shown here is categorized in Amazin’ Aces “pro series” lineup of paddles. It is designed for high performance and is meant to be held to the highest standards. It weighs in at 7.9 oz, making it feel very maneuverable. This is a paddle that is lightweight enough to allow for fast play while also still being strong.

This paddle has a graphite and fiberglass face that has a very good feel. You will be able to feel the ball and place your shots accordingly. It also has a very strong aluminum honeycomb core. It manages to provide the paddle with strength without adding too much weight.

You should also know that this paddle is not too shabby in the power department. This is an overall good option for players who want to be able to get some power out of their shots. It has a good combination of power and control that is going to appeal to most players. The paddle is also good at pulling off pop shots, further adding to its appeal.

You will also receive a free paddle cover when you buy this paddle. The cover is actually really nice, and it will help keep your paddle safe when it is not in use. Using a paddle like this is going to come with certain risks, so it is good that it comes with an included cover. That being said, the durability of this paddle is so-so at best.

Like most of the edgeless models that you will come across, this paddle is going to be prone to chipping. With no edge guard present to protect the paddle from harm, chips are bound to occur here and there. For the most part, this damage is only cosmetic in nature. It can be an annoyance, but this paddle is not too different from other edgeless paddles when it comes to overall durability.


  • Very lightweight and maneuverable
  • Offers great control
  • Adequate power
  • Comes with a free paddle cover
  • Graphite and fiberglass face has a great feel
  • The aluminum honeycomb core is strong while still being lightweight


  • The durability is only so-so
  • Cosmetic chip damage is bound to happen over time
  • Lack of style options may disappoint some players

Gearbox Seven Pickleball Paddle

Seven Pro
9.3/10Our Score

The Seven Pro is an update to the original Seven paddle. It features the same shape, size, and carbon fiber Solid-Span Technology (SST). However, newer paddles include Hyberbite technology. Here is a closer look at the details:

  • Weighs 7.0 ounces
  • Measures 16 inches long and 8 inches wide
  • Comes in 3 5/8-inch or 3 15/16-inch grip size
  • Features carbon fiber solid span technology
  • Features graphite and fiberglass surface

The Gearbox Seven Pickleball Paddle actually has the distinction of being the lightest paddle that Gearbox produces. It weighs in at only 7 oz, making it very lightweight and easy to move around. If you want to pick a paddle that is going to be easy to use, then this one definitely fits the bill. It is great for people who prefer light paddles due to not wanting to tire out their arms during long play sessions.

It has a pretty good sweet spot, too. It feels very natural when you are returning shots, and you should be able to control this paddle well. This is an option that is mostly going to appeal to finesse players. Those who want to use the power game will find this paddle to be lacking in that department.

Due to the paddle only weighing 7 oz, it is only going to be able to generate so much power. This means that you need to go into purchasing this paddle with the right mindset. This is among the lightest edgeless paddles that you will find. It may be perfect for certain types of control players, but it will not offer you the best balance between control and power.

The face of the paddle is made out of graphite, and it feels really good. This is definitely a paddle that is made to feel like a premium product. If you want to buy a paddle that has good action, then this might be the one for you. It is possible to enjoy really fast-paced pickleball matches when using this paddle.

However, there are some potential downsides to this paddle, too. The durability of the paddle is not great, so you will want to be careful with it so that you can extend its life. In addition, the hitting area is a little bit smaller than some people would like. If you can make peace with those potential downsides, then this will be a very good paddle for you.


  • Astoundingly lightweight
  • Great action
  • Easy to maneuver and perfect for fast-paced games
  • Graphite face of the paddle feels perfect
  • Overall good sweet spot
  • Very good for control-style players


  • Small hitting area
  • Durability is not very good
  • Very low power

Gearbox G11 Pickleball Paddle

9.5/10Our Score

The Gearbox G11 is a unique paddle, featuring solid composite composition. There is no honeycomb core and no risk of the paddle developing dead spots. Here are the main product specifications:

  • Weighs 7.8 ounces
  • Measures 15 15/16inches long and 8 inches wide
  • Comes in 3 5/8-inch or 3 15/16-inch grip size
  • Has no core
  • Is made of composite material with single-piece construction

This offering from Gearbox is significantly different from the one mentioned above. This is another high-quality design that is going to stand out in many positive ways. The first thing to know about this paddle is that it is very technologically advanced. A lot of effort has gone into meticulously designing this paddle to give people the best playing experience.

Gearbox crafted the G11 using hand laid advanced composite materials. What this actually means is that the paddle has a better overall build quality. It is a lot more durable than many of the other edgeless paddles on the market. It has a single piece molded construction that gives it better stability and durability. If you want a paddle that is going to stand the test of time, then this is among the best rimless options out there.

They have also paid great attention to the sweet spot when making this paddle. The sweet spot has been maximized, making it easier than ever to make the perfect shots. If you like having a paddle with a large sweet spot, then you are going to love the G11. It can potentially give you the edge that you need in a competitive match.

Players will also be able to enjoy the soft feel of this paddle. It makes it possible to comfortably complete touch shots in the kitchen. You will also be able to get good pop shots when using this paddle. You will have many options during games, and this makes it among the most versatile edgeless paddles around.

Some people have noted that this paddle feels like it realizes its true potential indoors. This could be a potential downside to the paddle if you are planning on using it outdoors. It should work fine in both environments, but this can come down to personal preference. Just keep this information in mind when you are making your final purchasing decision.


  • Large sweet spot
  • Soft feel makes it easy to complete touch shots
  • More durable than most other edgeless paddles
  • Very good build quality


  • May not be as good for outdoor play

Franklin Sports Viper Pickleball Paddle

9.3/10Our Score

The Viper paddles are among the newest Franklin paddles. The main features include:

  • Weighs 7.5 to 7.7 ounces
  • Edgeless construction

If you would like to own a carbon fiber pickleball paddle, then this paddle from Franklin Sports is really going to appeal to you. This has a very good edgeless construction overall, and it looks fantastic. This is definitely one of the coolest looking paddles on this list, and it also happens to perform very well. It has been specifically designed for maximum playability.

This is a fairly lightweight paddle that weighs in between 7.5 and 7.7 ounces. Being able to make use of a light paddle is always a good thing for control-style players. It makes it easier to maneuver the paddle, and you will be able to put the ball where you want it to go. This is also going to be easy to use for beginners, so it will be a very nice first serious pickleball paddle for someone.

You will really enjoy the generous sweet spot on this paddle, as well. The fact that the sweet spot is so large makes it an even more appealing option for beginners. It makes it easier to control your shots and makes the game more fun overall. This is a very good paddle, and the sweet spot just helps to make it even better.

The carbon fiber honeycomb center of this paddle is also worth mentioning. It gives you very good control of your shots, making it possible to enjoy a really good finesse game. The core has been designed to make controlling your shots as simple as possible. It really does feel good when taking just about any type of shot.

Whether you are serving, volleying, or attempting groundstrokes, this paddle is going to perform admirably. The fact that it is so well-balanced makes it an ideal option for most people. The only players that this paddle will not outright appeal to are those who are big into the power game. Otherwise, this is an easy recommendation.


  • Lightweight design
  • Very stylish
  • Good for all skill levels
  • Generous sweet spot
  • Carbon fiber honeycomb center allows for great control


  • The power of this paddle is not great

Wolfe XF Pickleball Paddle

9.3/10Our Score
  • Padded cushion grip with a comfortable feel
  • Graphite paddle wrapped in Carbon Fiber
  • Free padded paddle case that fits the entire paddle
  • Approved For Tournament Play

This Wolfe pickleball paddle is going to be another good option for you to consider. It has many positive qualities that pickleball players of all skill levels will enjoy. One of the first things that you will notice about this pickleball paddle is that the edges are wrapped in carbon fiber. This gives it a unique look and helps a bit with durability.

The sweet spot of this paddle is one of its positive qualities. It has a large sweet spot that is going to make controlling your shots that much simpler. If you like being able to feel in control when playing the game, then this is a good paddle to pick up. It feels natural and allows you to place your shots accurately.

You will also love the grip of this paddle. It feels very comfortable in your hands due to the padded cushion. This is a great handle for those who want to play long games. Your hands will not get sore or tired so easily, and you will be able to play to your full potential.

In addition, this paddle has a unique carbon fiber and graphite design. You do not often see carbon fiber paddles paired with a graphite design. This combination works great, and it provides you with a solid experience. The graphite has carbon fiber wrapped around it, and it works nicely. This paddle also has an aluminum honeycomb core that provides strength while still managing to be lightweight.

The negative aspects of this pickleball paddle are fairly typical for edgeless models. For instance, it may not hold up all that well if you are a very aggressive pickleball player. It is not a completely fragile paddle, but it is not going to be able to take a beating without suffering damage, either. It may not dent due to the solid core design, but it can chip over time due to regular use.

Also, there are reports from players that this is not well-suited for outdoor play. It might be a perfect option for indoor play, though. As mentioned earlier with the Gearbox G11, this potential negative may be a personal preference. Just try to examine your options if you are going to be playing a lot of outdoor pickleball.


  • Comes with a nice paddle case
  • Very good grip
  • Great carbon fiber and graphite design
  • Large sweet spot
  • Lightweight but still fairly durable


  • Possibly better for indoor games
  • May not hold up to aggressive pickleball playing

Onix Sub-Zero Pickleball Paddle

8.1/10Our Score

The Sub-Zero is a top-selling Onix Sports pickleball paddle and features the patent-pending RIBTEC core technology. This core adds a rib structure inside the paddle. This structure is surrounded by foam to add more pop, power, and finesse. Other features include:

  • Graphite face
  • RIBTEC core
  • Ergonomic handle
  • Weighs 7.2 to 7.9 ounces
  • Edgeless guard
  • Wide-body design

Lastly, the Onix Sub-Zero Pickleball Paddle is another option that people have been very happy with. This paddle makes use of a Ribtec structure as well as a foam core. This allows the paddle to have greater stability while also boosting power. It should wind up being an option that will appeal to people who want to be able to take advantage of a bit more of their power game.

This paddle weighs in between 7.2 and 7.9 ounces, depending on certain options. It is generally lightweight enough to feel natural and easy to use. It still has enough heft to allow you to complete some powerful shots, though. Most players who make use of these paddles note that it manages to strike a good balance. If you like having the ability to feel in control but also want a powerful paddle, then this one should suit you well.

The Onix Sub-Zero also makes use of one-piece construction design. This allows for greater stability than usual and keeps you feeling in control. It also helps with the overall durability of the paddle. To add to this, the grip is very ergonomic, and it helps you to keep playing your best even during long matches.

You will also find that this paddle is very competent when it comes to touch shots. If you like to play close to the net, then this is going to work well for both touch shots and power smashes. Either way, you will have a bit of versatility when it comes to your game. This gives the paddle a broad appeal, and it is a very practical choice for many people.

The lightweight nature of this paddle lends itself well to pop shots, too. The graphite face is going to perform brilliantly when you are trying to pull off many types of shots. Whether you are looking for pop from the baseline or touch shots at the net, this paddle is going to perform well. It is one of the preferred paddles for intense pickleball matches.

The potential negatives of this paddle involve its longevity. Some players have reported that this paddle winds up suffering from dead spots after being used rigorously for a long time. The durability of the paddle has also come into question. Keep in mind that your experiences may vary.

Overall, this paddle is easy to recommend for players who care about their power game. It is the only paddle on this list that is particularly good for certain types of power moves. It works very well when going for power smashes, and it feels like it has enough heft despite still being fairly lightweight. This is a paddle that is worth your consideration.


  • Great at pop shots, touch shots, and power smashes
  • One of the more powerful edgeless pickleball paddles
  • One-piece construction gives you overall great stability
  • Easy to maneuver
  • Very comfortable contoured handle


  • May not have great durability in the long run
  • Has the potential to develop dead spots after being used for a long time

In Conclusion

Now that you have seen six of the best edgeless pickleball paddles that 2023 has to offer, it should be much easier to make a purchasing decision. These pickleball paddle reviews 2023 have all of the information that you need. All of these paddles are fantastic, and you should have no trouble finding one that will appeal to you. No matter what type of pickleball player you are, one of these paddles is going to suit you very well.

Referring to this guide to help you make a good choice is smart. This is a curated list of the finest edgeless paddles that are available in 2023. As long as you pick one that is well-suited to your particular play style, you should be very pleased with the results. These are all amazing paddles, and you’ll be able to feel confident going into your next pickleball match with any of them.

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3 thoughts on “6 Best Edgeless Pickleball Paddles in 2023 | Edgeless Paddles”

    • Yes, Pro Kennex paddles are also good options and as per my own experience, the Kinetic Pro offered me a nice comfortable grip plus the use of fiberglass offer good spin and power needed. However, Kinetic Pro may show early signs of wear because there is no edge guard.


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